Justin Timberlake's Next Project: Remaking MySpace

'I don't have anything on my plate other than think-tanking a lot of different ideas for MySpace,' he tells MTV News.

Justin Timberlake has become such a hardworking, multifaceted entertainment personality that it's become difficult to keep track of all his projects. There's the music career, which has seemingly been put on hold for the time being; the burgeoning film career, which has taken up most of JT's time of late; then there are his entrepreneurial efforts, particularly his newly acquired [article id="1666646"]stake in MySpace[/article].

When MTV News recently caught up with the very busy jack-of-all-trades as he promoted his new film, "In Time," we asked him to do a bit of career forecasting for us and reveal what he's working on next. We were pleasantly surprised to find out that first, he's going to be hard at work on revamping MySpace and second, he might be planning an actual vacation.

"I don't have anything on my plate other than think-tanking a lot of different ideas for MySpace, which doesn't require a lot of my literally being present," Timberlake said. "I can come up with ideas on the golf course. I can come up with ideas on a mountain while I'm snowboarding. Seriously, I don't have anything on my plate for the rest of the year. I am going to take a vacation. I'm going to find out what a vacation really is."

And in addition to all the exotic-locale-based think-tanking and vacationing, might Timberlake have any free time to pay a visit to his favorite NYC-based variety show, "Saturday Night Live"?

"I don't know," he said. "Those things are spur-of-the-moment. I don't have plans to host, but those things are spur-of-the-moment for sure. Even if I had plans, I wouldn't tell you," he added with a smile.

What do you hope Justin does with MySpace? Let us know in the comments!

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