Daniel Radcliffe Sees Hope After Gay Teen Suicides

'Deathly Hallows' star tells MTV News that tragic recent events have given way to 'more publicity' and 'more awareness.'

Daniel Radcliffe has long proven to be a dedicated activist when it comes to crisis support and suicide prevention for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youths. He taped a [article id="1632811"]public-service announcement for the Trevor Project[/article] and has spoken out on issues ranging from bullying to the importance of acceptance. The 21-year-old actor tells MTV News he's watched in horror as a wave of gay teen suicides has swept the country, but he sees some cause for hope in the wake of these tragedies.

"The attention and the more publicity and the more awareness that can be raised by everybody -- it is such a good cause and such an important thing," the "Harry Potter" star said.

Radcliffe has also been pleased to see how messages conveyed by campaigns like [article id="1649201"]"Love Is Louder"[/article] and [article id="1650595"]"It Gets Better"[/article] have cropped up in recent weeks in response to the suicides, transcending matters of sexuality to encompass all of those who've experienced persecution.

"What's interesting to me is it has taken on a wider meaning than just the Trevor Project and just people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered," he explained. "It's taken on, for everyone who has ever felt victimized or ostracized by the people in their class or in their community, it's taken on a wider meaning, which I think is amazing."

The Trevor Project was inspired by the story of a gay teen who attempted to take his own life, and Radcliffe is heartened to see similar tragedy-into-opportunity activism springing forth from recent events.

"It is, I think, indicative of the spirit of the organization that is the Trevor Project, that out of such tragic circumstances as we've seen over the last few months, they are managing to push forward to a brighter solution to this problem," he said.

Do you think initiatives like "It Gets Better" and "Love Is Louder" are helping to spread awareness? Tell us in the comments.

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