Martin Freeman Cast As Bilbo Baggins In 'The Hobbit'

'There has only ever been one Bilbo Baggins for us," says director Peter Jackson.

Life is about to get much different for Martin Freeman. The star of the British version of "The Office" will suit up as Bilbo Baggins in the two-part "Lord of the Rings" prequel "The Hobbit."

"Despite the various rumors and speculation surrounding this role, there has only ever been one Bilbo Baggins for us," director Peter Jackson said in a statement released on Thursday, according to BBC News. He called the 39-year-old Freeman "intelligent, funny, surprising and brave -- exactly like Bilbo," and said he was perfect for the role. "There are a few times in your career when you come across an actor who you know was born to play a role, but that was the case as soon as I met Martin," Jackson said.

Freeman will inhabit the Shire alongside a crew of other lesser-known actors including Richard Armitage ("Captain America: The First Avenger") as Thorin Oakenshield, Aidan Turner ("Being Human") as Kili, Rob Kazinsky ("EastEnders") as Fili, Graham McTavish ("Secretariat") as Dwalin, John Callen as Olin, Stephen Hunter as Bombur, Mark Hadlow as Dori and Peter Hambleton as Gloin.

At press time it was unknown if Sir Ian McKellen would reprise his role as Gandalf or if Andy Serkis (Gollum) would appear in the films; other parts that still require casting include Elrond the sage, and the voice of the dragon. The movies are due to be released in December 2012 and December 2013.

The new crew is expected to start shooting the epic in February, though a recent dust-up with some professional unions may result in production being moved from New Zealand -- where the three "Rings" movies were shot -- to another location, with England, Canada and Australia being mentioned as potential front-runners.

"The actions of these unions have caused us substantial damage and disruption and forced us to consider other filming locations for the first time," the studios behind the films said in a statement. "Alternative locations are still being considered."

Check out everything we've got on "The Hobbit, Part 1."

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