'Jackass 3D' Outgrosses Rivals At Weekend Box Office

3-D shock- and stunt-filled comedy wins first place, but audiences see 'Red' as well.

The "Jackass" crew is used to breaking all sorts of things, but with their latest big-screen effort, Johnny Knoxville and his pals have broken something new: a variety of box-office records.

The Box-Office Top Five

#1 "Jackass 3D" ($50 million)

#2 "Red" ($22.5 million)

#3 "The Social Network" ($11 million)

#4 "Secretariat" ($9.5 million)

#5 "Life as We Know It" ($9.2 million)

"Jackass 3D" premiered this weekend with a massive $50 million haul, easily eclipsing its $20 million production budget thanks at least in part to the increased price of 3D ticket purchases. As a result, the third "Jackass" movie has walked away from the weekend with several records: biggest single-day fall opening, best October debut and the all-time greatest fall weekend record. It's also a huge step forward from previous "Jackass" efforts: The first film debuted with $22.7 million while "Number Two" secured $29 million in 2006. Clearly, Knoxville and his thrill-seeking companions have a bright future -- or at least a dangerously hilarious one -- ahead of them on the big screen.

Although it earned less than half of the "Jackass" take, "Red" was no slouch in second place. Director Robert Schwentke's action comedy starring Bruce Willis and Mary Louise Parker shot up $22.5 million over the weekend, more than doubling the opening weekend performance from the previously released and similarly themed comic book adaptation of "The Losers."

To the surprise of few, "The Social Network" continued its powerful streak, relinquishing first place but landing comfortably in third with $11 million. Director David Fincher's dramatic Facebook origin story has accepted $63.1 million worth of friendship requests in just three weekends in theaters. Fourth and fifth place were occupied by last weekend's newcomers "Secretariat" and "Life as We Know It," respectively.

Upcoming Releases

Ghosts rule the box office next weekend, as director Clint Eastwood and star Matt Damon explore the afterlife in "Hereafter." But if it's thrills you're looking for, look no further than Paramount's sequel to "Paranormal Activity."

Check out everything we've got on "Jackass 3D," "Red" and "The Social Network."

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