'Resident Evil' Enjoys Solid 'Afterlife' At The Box Office

Fourth entry in video game franchise takes top prize during quiet box-office weekend.

The Box-Office Top Five

#1 "Resident Evil: Afterlife" ($27.7 million)

#2 "Takers" ($6.1 million)

#3 "The American" ($5.9 million)

#4 "Machete" ($4.2 million)

#5 "Going the Distance" ($3.8 million)

If there's one thing that zombies enjoy more than brains, it's money. And the flesh-eating monsters of "Resident Evil: Afterlife" got a whole lot of both as the only new wide release to hit theaters this past weekend.

Director Paul W.S. Anderson and actress Milla Jovovich's fourth entry in the popular video game franchise proved that the series still has plenty of life in it with a first-place finish worth $27.7 million. "Afterlife" played on an estimated 4,700 screens at 3,203 locations, with just over 2,000 of those venues showing off the movie's well-received 3-D capabilities and 141 in IMAX 3-D. Not only did "Afterlife" top the domestic box office, but it also managed to dethrone "Inception" overseas with $46.2 million earned from foreign markets.

The success of "Afterlife" all but guarantees that the "Resident Evil" franchise will soldier on. Indeed, Jovovich informed New York magazine that a fifth film will "definitely" be made, with plans to solicit story ideas from fans. "We've been talking to a lot of fans on Twitter and stuff, so it's probably going to be one of the first movies where we really talk to fans to see what they want, and what characters they want to see," she said. "It's going to be a more interactive process."

Beyond "Afterlife," it was a fairly bleak weekend at the box office. "Takers" continued to perform well in its third weekend, while both "The American" and "Machete" suffered significant drops of more than 50 percent in their second weekend frames. "Going the Distance" rounded out the top five with $3.8 million.

Upcoming Releases

Next weekend, Ben Affleck invites moviegoers to visit "The Town," while M. Night Shyamalan puts the fear of the "Devil" inside of an elevator.

Animated comedy "Alpha and Omega" and the Emma Stone-starring romantic comedy "Easy A" round out the weekend's newcomers.

Check out everything we've got on "Resident Evil: Afterlife."

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