'The Other Guys' Captures Audiences At Weekend Box Office

Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg's new comedy took first place from Christopher Nolan's 'Inception.'

The Box-Office Top Five

#1 "The Other Guys" ($35.6 million)

#2 "Inception" ($18.6 million)

#3 "Step Up 3-D" ($15.5 million)

#4 "Salt" ($11.1 million)

#5 "Dinner for Schmucks" ($10.5 million)

The dream is over, as Christopher Nolan's [movie id="419756"]"Inception"[/movie] is no longer the reigning champion at the weekend domestic box office -- that distinction now belongs to [movie id="420879"]"The Other Guys."[/movie]

Starring an A-List crew of comedians and action stars including Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg, Samuel L. Jackson and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, "The Other Guys" easily took first place in its first weekend in theaters with a $35.6 million debut, marking yet another successful endeavor from frequent collaborators Ferrell and director Adam McKay. Additionally, the strong debut for "The Other Guys" demonstrates that both Ferrell and Wahlberg still have major box-office appeal, a notion that was in doubt after recent outings from Ferrell ("Land of the Lost" and Wahlberg ("Max

Payne") fell short of expectations.

Despite slipping from the top spot for the first time since its debut, the Leonardo DiCaprio-starring "Inception" remained a strong contender at the box office this weekend, settling for second place with $18.6 million. The high-concept action flick has amassed $227.7 million at the domestic box office since opening four weeks ago.

[movie id="452601"]"Step Up 3D"[/movie] entered the weekend competition with plenty of fanfare but only danced up an estimated $15.5 million bronze medal by Sunday's end. It's the weakest debut for any of the "Step Up" films to date, but not by too large of a margin.

Fourth and fifth place belonged to the Angelina Jolie-starring [movie id="376997"]"Salt"[/movie] and comedy flick [movie id="329232"]"Dinner for Schmucks"[/movie] with $11.1 million and $10.5 million, respectively.

Upcoming Releases

Rock music, romance and video game references collide when comic book adaptation "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" arrives in theaters next weekend alongside Sylvester Stallone's action extravaganza, "The Expendables." The two geek-baiting films debut against the considerably less violent "Eat Pray Love," starring Julia Roberts and Javier Bardem.

Check out everything we've got on "The Other Guys," "Inception" and "Dinner for Schmucks."

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