'Inception' Dreams Big At The Box Office

Christopher Nolan's latest action-thriller excels while Nicolas Cage's 'Sorcerer's Apprentice' flops.

The Box-Office Top Five

#1 [movie id="419756"]"Inception"[/movie] ($60.4 million)

#2 [movie id="414296"]"Despicable Me"[/movie] ($32.7 million)

#3 [movie id="417618"]"The Sorcerer's Apprentice"[/movie] ($17.4 million)

#4 "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" ($13.5 million)

#5 "Toy Story 3" ($11.7 million)

Some dreams really do come true: Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures' "Inception" burst straight out of the mind of writer-director Christopher Nolan and onto the silver screen this past weekend with an impressive first-place finish.

Nolan's latest intellectual action-thriller literally takes place in the mind, as crimes and heists are committed within the framework of a target's dreams. These dream thieves are portrayed by a wide variety of talented actors including Leonardo DiCaprio and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, whose star power helped rocket "Inception" to an opening weekend total of $60.4 million. Although not an astonishing result, the opening numbers for "Inception" are strong, considering the film's lack of brand recognition. Further, with excellent reviews from critics and moviegoers alike, "Inception" is bound to remain at the top of the box-office charts for several weeks to come.

Not so fortunate was Disney's "The Sorcerer's Apprentice," the Nicolas Cage and Jay Baruchel-starring actioner that managed a mere $17.4 million this weekend. With only $32.8 million earned worldwide since opening last Wednesday, "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" will need to pull something considerably more lucrative than a rabbit out of its hat in order to recoup its reported $150 million production budget.

The weekend's second-place slot belonged to "Despicable Me," the super-villain comedy voiced by Steve Carell and Jason Segel that continues to do strong business for Universal. After two weekends in theaters, "Despicable" has managed $124.9 million in worldwide ticket sales, causing Universal to put sequel and spinoff plans into motion. Clearly, there's nothing despicable about this franchise in the film studio's eyes.

"The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" and "Toy Story 3" continued their successful streaks by capping off the weekend's top-five performers with $13.5 million and $11.7 million respectively.

Upcoming Releases

Angelina Jolie comes back with a new action thriller in the form of "Salt," while Fox gets into the family-friendly genre with "Ramona and Beezus."

Check out everything we've got on "Inception."

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