'Lost' Writers Talk 'Enormously Satisfying' Series Finale

'The closer we got [to the end], the more confident we became that it was the right ending,' Damon Lindelof says.

Even with the series' end so near in sight, "Lost" executive producers and writers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse are particularly careful to not reveal too much about the finale of their hugely popular TV show. Especially when it comes to talking with fans and, most importantly, the media. When MTV News caught up with Lindelof and Cuse recently, they equated finishing and finally watching the series finale to buying someone a birthday present too early and having to wait for them to open it.

"By the time their birthday rolls around you're sort of like, 'Are they even going to like this anymore? Do they already have one?' But that never happened with us," Lindelof revealed. "The closer we got [to the end], the more confident we became that it was the right ending. We probably watched the last scene of the show 40 or 50 times in the editing room, trying to cross every 'T' and dot every 'I.' It was enormously satisfying for us."

Lindelof wisely emphasized the "us" aspect, knowing that with the end of such a popular, theorized and agonized-over show, there is no way to please everyone.

ABC begins its "Lost" series finale celebration/send-off on Saturday, when it will re-air the original two-hour pilot from 2004 from 8-10 p.m., including a "pop-up" version with enhanced trivia and facts about the $10 million episode directed by J.J. Abrams ("Star Trek"). The two-and-a-half-hour "Lost" series finale airs Sunday from 9 to 11:30 p.m.

Do you think you'll be satisfied with the "Lost" finale? Let us know in the comments!

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