Russell Brand On Katy Perry, Justin Bieber And 'Get Him To The Greek'

'It would seem kind of cheesy to have her and I in the movie together,' comedian said of fiancé Katy Perry.

Aldous Snow is rock music personified. By this we mean he happily trashes hotel rooms, is surrounded at all times by a bevy of beautiful ladies and is twisted 24/7 on various illegal substances. He's also the funniest rock star in the history of the world, which is why Snow -- who popped up, unforgettably, in 2008's "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" -- is getting his own spin-off flick, "Get Him to the Greek."

The man behind Snow is the equally funny, equally unforgettable Russell Brand. He stars alongside Jonah Hill in a film with a simple premise that yields oodles of laugh-inducing shenanigans: How do you get a drug-addled rock star from England to a concert in Los Angeles? In anticipation of the film's premiere on June 4, Brand called up MTV News for a chat. As conversations usually do with this one-of-a-kind comedian, the talk ranged widely and hilariously. Read on for Brand's thoughts on the summer movie season, [artist id="3187077"]Justin Bieber[/artist], Brand's fiancé [artist id="3274550"]Katy Perry[/artist] and, of course, [movie id="389225"]"Get Him to the Greek."[/movie]

Russell Brand: Is this my elevator lover Josh?

MTV: Please, isn't it 8 in the morning where you are? It's a little early for that.

Brand: Josh, it may be early, but I'm 24/7 when it comes to you. There's a really gay dogfight going on where I am. We're in Seattle, where they like girl dogs.

MTV: Do you feel the pressure being the lead in a summer film?

Brand: Absolutely not. I like it. A little bit of pressure applied to the right places can be a lot of fun.

MTV: You open against "Marmaduke."

Brand: We're going to take that cartoon dog down.

MTV: It also opens on your 35th birthday.

Brand: Let's not talk about my age. I'm trying to sell myself as a fresh-faced 16-year-old. I'm the new Justin Bieber. I'm 12.

MTV: You're a little taller.

Brand: Maybe a little taller, but basically the same thing. I'm basically going for the same market as young Justin.

MTV: Do you see a lot of Justin in yourself?

Brand: I saw a bit of myself in Justin once. It was very brief.

MTV: You are a spiritual man. You must see some greater significance to this film opening on your birthday. ...

Brand: I think this may herald -- not just for me but for all of mankind -- this might be the rapture.

MTV: "Marmaduke" is not promising that.

Brand: "Marmaduke" will not deliver heaven on earth, the separation of good from bad and a utopia where all god's children will unite under the banner of love. "Marmaduke" will not do that.

MTV: Any other summer movies you're looking forward to?

Brand: "Iron Man." What else is there?

MTV: "Sex and the City 2?"

Brand: F--- that. "Sex and the City?" I get enough of that at home. That's a TV program! I don't go to the movies to watch a TV program! "Marmaduke"? That's a cartoon in the back of the paper. I don't go to the movies to watch a cartoon from the back of the paper. "Get Him to the Greek"? A proper movie.

MTV: Was it fun shooting the movie all over?

Brand: Mostly hard work. They're my friends, and Diddy was hilarious. Before we left, Diddy kidnapped me and Jonah individually and made us go to Vegas, but that wasn't stress free. It wasn't like going to a spa. It was like going to a hedonism boot camp.

MTV: What does hanging with Diddy in Vegas entail?

Brand: It means you don't get enough sleep, and when you go to a restaurant, it's noisy, and when you go to a club, it's noisy, and when you're in an elevator, it's noisy. Hanging with Diddy is noisy.

MTV: You've had your own struggles with drug and sex addiction. Was it tough to relive your troubles in a comedic way?

Brand: A little bit. The heavy drug stuff.

MTV: If you had to choose between being a movie star or a rock star, what would it be?

Brand: Standup comedian.

MTV: Were you nervous about the singing?

Brand: I was very nervous about the singing. It makes me feel shy to sing in front of people. I just pretended I was Aldous, a man who would not be nervous about singing, and that worked.

MTV: What happened to Katy Perry's cameo in the film?

Brand: I've not asked because its slightly awkward, nor have I told her. I think it might be because it would seem kind of cheesy to have her and I in the movie together.

MTV: Has she critiqued your singing?

Brand: She thinks I'm good. She's really encouraging about it. But when she does standup, I say, "This won't do, dear."

MTV: Any chance for a duet?

Brand: That would be a cold day in hell. That would be awful. I might do one with Jonah Hill.

Check out everything we've got on "Get Him to the Greek."

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