'American Idol' In 60 Seconds: Michael Lynche's 'Woman's Work,' Alex Lambert's Tears

All that -- and even cocky bananas -- are in the latest 'Idol in 60 Seconds.'

" 'American Idol' in 60 Seconds" has fast become an MTV News institution, but it goes by so fast that it's not always easy to catch every golden nugget. So, here we present to you a slightly altered script of the weekly bite-size recap of "Idol" high jinks, plus a joke or two that had to be cut for time!

[article id="1633770"]This week was the "American Idol"[/article] contestants' last chance to make the Top 12, so you know what that means: A lot of desperation and a lot of tears ... and that was just the judges!

Yes, it was a weird week of bad singing, really bad song choices and unbelievably bad split screens. But it's season nine, so what else is new?

Actually, a few things! [article id="1633808"]Lacey Brown[/article] and Didi Benami finally sang well, [article id="1633791"]Lee Dewyze[/article] sort of smiled and [article id="1633810"]Tim Urban's take on Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah"[/article] didn't completely, utterly suck.

[Ellen runs up to him and yells: "That was fantastic!"]

But let's not throw the boy a parade -- especially when we also had Siobhan Magnus doing the Animals a cappella for her dad and Big [article id="1633681"]Mike Lynche doing Kate Bush's "This Woman's Work"[/article] for hostile wombs everywhere.

[Kara talks about being moved because she doesn't have a baby!]

You know what was also sort of gross?

[Ellen: "Cocky banana."

Simon: "Picture Randy in a bikini."

Andrew: "Gotta rub me the right way!"]

Thank heaven for [article id="1633573"]Crystal Bowersox, whose amazing "Give Me One Reason"[/article]

gave everyone a new reason to love her.

On Thursday night's results show, producers continued to remind us how much better season eight was -- especially following the [article id="1633798"]departures of Lilly Scott and Alex Lambert[/article].

Seriously, America? Most of my favorites eliminated? I hope you choke on a cocky banana!

Get your "Idol" fix on MTV News' [article id="1486475"]"American Idol" page[/article], where you'll find all the latest news, interviews and opinions.

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