'Alice In Wonderland' Shatters Box-Office Records

Tim Burton's 3-D fantasy earns $116 million, his biggest debut yet and breaks March opening record.

The Box-Office Top Five

#1 "Alice in Wonderland" ($116.3 million)

#2 "Brooklyn's Finest ($13.5 million)

#3 "Shutter Island" ($13.3 million)

#4 "Cop Out" ($9.1 million)

#5 "Avatar" ($7.7 million)

Moviegoers were transported to the whacky world of Wonderland this weekend as director Tim Burton's [movie id="373927"]"Alice in Wonderland"[/movie] debuted to a decisive first-place finish at the box office. Lovers of cinema both stateside and abroad put their stamps of approval all over the 3-D Disney film, which earned a domestic total of $116.3 million and a foreign gross of $94 million, for a worldwide tally of $210.3 million.

"Wonderland" established several new records during its opening weekend, including the greatest premiere for any film released in 2010 thus far, as well as the best ever March debut, outpacing the $70.8 million earned by Zack Snyder's "300" in 2007. "Wonderland" marks the most successful film launch of the Burton's distinguished career. Disney's latest also enjoyed best opening weekend ever for a non-sequel film, though the brand of "Wonderland" is clearly recognized across the globe. All of these records owe no small thanks to the increased ticket prices from 3-D and IMAX locations.

But even though the movie is currently enjoying phenomenal success at the box office, "Wonderland" is far from being a critical darling. According to Rotten Tomatoes, only 53 percent of critics have favorably embraced the movie.

As "Wonderland" commanded the majority of box-office business this weekend, competitors were forced to settle for a comparatively slimmer audience. [movie id="388462"]"Brooklyn's Finest,"[/movie] also a new release, took home the second-best haul with $13.5 million, an admirable result given the cop drama's reported $25 million production budget.

Martin Scorsese's [movie id="371226"]"Shutter Island"[/movie] and Kevin Smith's [movie id="421213"]"Cop Out"[/movie] took the gold and silver medals last weekend, but both films slipped to third and fourth place with $13.3 million and $9.1 million respectively by Sunday's conclusion.

James Cameron's [movie id="301495"]"Avatar,"[/movie] the 3-D science-fiction epic that earned its status as the most successful film of all time in just a handful of weeks, slipped out of the top five on Friday for the first time since its December debut. But it was able to rebound for a fifth-place finish of $7.7 million before the end of the weekend.

Upcoming Releases

Will the records established by "Alice in Wonderland" buckle under the pressure of "Twilight" sensation Robert Pattinson? The actor's new romance film, "Remember Me," opens wide next weekend and has tremendous financial potential, given Pattinson's fiercely loyal fan base. Other new releases include "Green Zone," "Our Family Wedding" and "She's Out of My League."

Check out everything we've got on "Alice in Wonderland."

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