Pink Had The Best Grammy Performance, Readers Say

Make your voice heard in our still-open MTV Newsroom poll.

Sunday night's 52nd annual Grammy Awards crammed a total of 16 performances into three and a half hours. Along the way, some of the biggest names in music stepped up to the plate to deliver their signature hits and team up with favorite contemporaries or beloved icons.

There was [article id="1630881"]Lady Gaga's stunning show-opener[/article] with Elton John, [article id="1630887"]Beyoncés run[/article] through Alanis Morissette's "You Oughta Know," the moving [article id="1630895"]tribute to Michael Jackson[/article] with Usher, Carrie Underwood, Celine Dion, Smokey Robinson and Jennifer Hudson, and [article id="1630891"]Taylor Swift's tag-team with Stevie Nicks[/article].

But who was the favorite among the night's many highlights? Earlier Monday (February 1), we posed that question on the MTV Newsroom blog. More than 6,300 fans voted, and while the results are not exactly scientific, it does paint a picture of what people got excited about last night.

[artist id="3205943"]Pink[/artist] leads the pack with 33 percent of the vote. It's easy to see why, as her [article id="1630885"]acrobatic performance of "Glitter in the Air"[/article] was not only visually gorgeous, but also technically impressive -- she was able to keep singing even as she was spinning around in the air.

"All the ladies did well, but one performer stood out the most. That was Pink," commenter Nicole noted on the post. "It was the most magical, simple yet amazing performance I have ever seen. She stole the show."

The other big vote-getter in the poll was the tag-team between [artist id="3061469"]Lady Gaga[/artist] and [artist id="984"]Elton John[/artist], which saw the former perform her "Poker Face" before the latter joined her for "Speechless" and "Your Song."

After those two, it's a mixed bag: [artist id="3235294"]Beyoncé[/artist] took home 9 percent, while [artist id="2389485"]Taylor Swift[/artist] -- who won [article id="1630904"]Album of the Year[/article] -- picked up 7 percent for her performance. The high-profile tribute to [artist id="1102"]Michael Jackson[/artist] came in just behind that with 6 percent, and the [artist id="814"]Dave Matthews Band[/artist] managed 4 percent.

Who had the best performance at the Grammys? Leave your thoughts in the comments or vote in the still-open poll at the MTV Newsroom blog.

The 2010 Grammy Awards may be over, but MTV News will have much, much more from the show, including reports on your favorite nominees, party photos, behind-the-scenes video and much more from the big show!

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