Original Runaways Talk About Seeing Kristen Stewart And Dakota Fanning Play Them

'It was amazing,' Joan Jett says.

The Sundance Film Festival is all about reunions, as casts and crews who worked on films months or even years before meet up in the Rocky Mountains to promote their projects and hit some afterparties. Sunday night at the Eccles Theatre was the setting for one of the festival's more curious reunions, when the members of the pioneering all-teen-girl '70s rock band the Runaways walked the red carpet with the stars portraying them in a big screen biopic [movie id="415461"]"The Runaways,"[/movie] which tells the story of the [article id="1630652"]band's rise and fall[/article].

So there was Runaways guitarist/solo star [artist id="10075"]Joan Jett[/artist] next to her onscreen counterpart, [movieperson id="262629"]Kristen Stewart[/movieperson], and singer Cherie Currie walking alongside her young cinematic doppelganger, [movieperson id="266286"]Dakota Fanning[/movieperson] (both of whom star in the "Twilight" saga). Asked to give their reactions the first time they saw the teen actors in costume as the Runaways, Jett and Currie's eyes lit up.

"It was amazing," Jett, who played guitar in the band, told MTV News. "It was surreal. The first time I met her, her hair was still long. Then after she finished 'New Moon,' she got it cut and I saw her out in L.A. for some rehearsals and it was really incredible. We were both laughing a lot because it's surreal."

So surreal, in fact, that Currie admitted she felt as if the entire experience were simply unreal. "It was too much for me to handle, to be honest with you," she said of seeing Fanning in character. "For the first time, I got to see what it was like to be in an audience and look at the Runaways. It was that right-on. This all is so surreal! I went to sleep, woke up in this amazing dream, and I can't wake up. I don't want to wake up. And guess what? I don't have to!"

Indeed, she didn't. The real and fictionalized Runaways soon hustled into the theater for the film's premiere, then gathered hours later at the Bing Bar on Main Street for the official after-party. It was the most coveted bash in town on Sunday night, as the line outside made clear, largely because of the presence of "Twilight" franchise stars Stewart and Fanning.

As Currie said while still on the carpet, though, the teens are handling all the attention wonderfully. "What great girls," she said. "I think they're incredibly down to earth. I'm really proud to know 'em."

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