'Youth In Revolt' Star Michael Cera Was 'In The Moment' With 'Jersey Shore' Cast

'Your animal instincts kick in,' actor says of dancing with Snooki, Paul D, JWOWW and the Situation.

In "Youth in Revolt," Michael Cera's character gets fed up with his good-little-boy demeanor and invents a badass mustachioed persona named Francois Dillinger to achieve everything his hormone-addled heart desires. In real life, Cera chose to concoct a different sort of alter-ego, getting a gelled-up makeover from the cast of MTV's "Jersey Shore" as part of the promotional effort for his upcoming flick.

Work, though, quickly turned to play. As our cameras captured, the 21-year-old ended up kicking back with the crew from Seaside Heights and enjoying of bit of bumping and grinding with Snooki, the pint-sized breakout star of the reality show. So what was going through the taciturn actor's mind as he boogied with the Snook?

"There's actually nothing going through your head when that's happening," Cera told MTV News at the red-carpet premiere of "Revolt" on Tuesday evening. "You're totally in the moment. Your animal instincts kick in."

Of course, he wasn't just there to share the dance floor with Snooki. DJ Pauly D did a bit of Jersey-style remodeling on Cera's 'do and J-WOWW spackled the bronzer onto his pale cheeks. The whole thing, it turns out, was the actor's idea.

"I'm a fan of the show and they asked me if I would do some kind of promos for MTV and that was the only thing I could think of that sounded appealing," he said. "I really like the show. I thought it would be really fun to be around them. So we just all hung out together."

The promos are set to run on Thursday while a new episode of "Shore" airs. "Revolt," co-starring Zach Galifianakis and new comer Portia Doubleday, opens the following day.

So after his chill sesh with the "Shore" kids, can Cera pick a favorite castmember? Dance partner Snooki? Abdominally gifted the Situation? Don't-fall-in-love-at-the-Shore-oh-whoops-I-fell-in-love-at-the-shore Ronnie?

"I like them all," he said. "They have an equal spot in my heart."

Check out everything we've got on "Youth In Revolt."

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