'Jennifer's Body' Cheat Sheet: Everything You Need To Know

Get the inside scoop on Megan Fox's sexy new horror movie.

Flash back to late 2007, a time when filmgoers were discovering a tiny little film called "Juno" and finding it as refreshing as a swig of Sunny D. Writer Diablo Cody was in the process of winning an Oscar for Best Screenplay; [movieperson id="333331"]Megan Fox[/movieperson] had recently broken through with the year's highest-grossing film, "Transformers"; Amanda Seyfried was on the verge of her own breakthrough as she filmed "Mamma Mia!"; and Fox purchased the rights to Cody's follow-up script that would soon unite the fast-rising Hollywood talents.

In the 21 months since, MTV News has followed the development of the sexy horror film as closely as Jennifer Check stalking her prey. Now, with the film about a demonically possessed cheerleader opening in theaters this weekend, we present our [movie id="373560"]Jennifer's Body[/movie] cheat sheet -- stuffed with all the information you need to know before letting Jennifer sink her teeth into you.

Dirty Girl, Dirty Mouth

One of the reasons we love Megan is that she's willing to go anywhere. And as we found out when we spoke with the "Transformers" star, her mouth is as beautiful as it is dirty. Yeah, you can ask her pretty much anything -- except to sing "Somewhere Under the Rainbow."

Comic-Con Cornucopia

Megan wowed the geeks at this summer's Comic-Con, providing some of our most popular interview clips and even landing her own sexy graphic novel.

Kiss and Tell

As anyone who has ever read anything about this movie knows, Fox and Seyfried engage in a sexy kiss during one of the film's key scenes. Megan told us that she "feels much safer with girls" but that Seyfried was "extremely uncomfortable" and giggled between takes. According to Seyfried, the kiss was so sexy that it turned on her boyfriend, "Mamma Mia!" co-star Dominic Cooper. At other points in the movie, Jennifer seduces various people to death, but as you can see in this clip, it's a helluva way to go.

Naked Ambition

Megan might just be the hottest actress in the world right now, and we've watched her evolve quite a bit over the last few years. But sorry boys: She told us she won't be doing nudity anytime soon.

A Badass Babe

Earlier this year, Diablo gave us her list of the [article id="1604244"]top 10 movie badasses of all time[/article], as she was intently focused on getting Jennifer into those ranks -- or, at least, the top five scary high school girls. In June, Megan told us that the film is so scary that she terrified herself while watching her scenes. We got a good look at all the blood, boobs and bad words with a red-band trailer and more of a peek at Megan's body during her recent Rolling Stone cover shoot.

Picture Perfect

Be sure to check out all the photos of the hot ladies from "Jennifer's Body," while their characters are still alive and in one sexy piece. And if you think you have it in you to try to pick up Megan Fox, here are a few pointers from the lady herself. But watch out for [article id="1619398"]co-star Adam Brody[/article], as he openly admits to having a bit of a "crush" on Megan.

The Verdict

You can read all the reviews you want, but all you need is three words from Megan herself, who promised us that "Jennifer's Body" is "f---ing really good." Judging by the fact that "Body" has captured nearly 50 percent on our poll of who will win this weekend, she's not the only one interested in Jennifer's body of work.

Going Beyond 'Body'

Now that this project is about to unspool in theaters, the cast is ready to move on to the next challenge. Director Karyn Kusama is eyeballing another horror film, this time with Rachel Weisz as the lead. Megan Fox, meanwhile, told us that she won't be quitting Bay-hem anytime soon -- so stay tuned for more sexiness in "Transformers 3."

Check out everything we've got on "Jennifer's Body."

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