'The Final Destination' Kills In 3-D At Box Office

Latest installment of horror franchise beats Rob Zombie's 'Halloween II.'

The Box-Office Top Five

#1 "The Final Destination" ($28.3 million)

#2 "Inglourious Basterds" ($20 million)

#3 "Halloween II" ($17.4 million)

#4 "District 9" ($10.7 million)

#5 "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra" ($8 million)

There was plenty of blood and guts at the multiplex this weekend. Business was up 28 percent over last year, helped along by moviegoers who clearly couldn't get enough of murderous mayhem, whether it was in 2-D or 3-D. But it was [movie id="374190"]"The Final Destination"[/movie] that took #1 with a surprising $28.3 million, $18 million of which was brought in from 3-D screenings alone. It's the biggest debut for any installment of the "Final Destination" franchise, which has been going steady for nine years running and has clearly received a new lease thanks to the innovations of its 3-D death traps.

"Final Destination" wasn't the only horror flick on offer, as Rob Zombie slashed his way into theaters with Michael Myers and [movie id="41689"]"Halloween II."[/movie] The film was the favorite going into the weekend, but it only managed to slice up $17.4 million, earning the #3 spot at the box office. But Dimension's president, Bob Weinstein, said they were "very happy" with the film's success, adding that the film had cleared its $15 million budget, inspiring the studio to go forward with 3-D "Halloween" installments.

Though the body count of Quentin Tarantino is low in comparison to "The Final Destination" and Rob Zombie, the director's latest stayed strong in the sea of box-office blood. "Basterds" brought in a solid $20 million in its sophomore session, and the Tarantino thriller has brought in a total of $73.8 million so far.

Audiences sought out the repeat thrills of "District 9" and "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra" over messages of peace, love and understanding, as Focus Features' "Taking Woodstock" had a disappointing debut at #9. The Ang Lee ensemble earned mixed reviews and only $3.7 million at the box office. Robert Rodriguez's family comedy "Shorts" also failed to have late-summer legs. It fell from #6 down to #8 with $4.9 million, and a cumulative of $13.6 million.

Upcoming Releases

Three films go wide for Labor Day weekend: Lionsgate's sci-fi/ action thriller "Gamer," Fox's romantic comedy "All About Steve" and Miramax's comedy "Extract."

Check out everything we've got on "The Final Destination" and "Halloween II."

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