Why Is 'Man In The Mirror' Jackson's Top-Selling Song On iTunes?

We take a look at possible reasons why more people are choosing to download Michael Jackson's 1988 hit.

In the wake of [article id="1614744"]his death[/article], it's no surprise that [article id="1614952"]sales of Michael Jackson songs and albums[/article] saw tremendous increases in the days that followed. But what is surprising is that among the dozens of top-selling Jackson songs on iTunes, the one that has sold the most is "Man in the Mirror," from Bad.

Now, "Man in the Mirror" is not a bad song, and it was a #1 hit for Jackson in 1988. But its video isn't nearly as iconic as the clips for "Bad" or "Smooth Criminal" or even "Leave Me Alone." And considering the other #1 singles he's had in his career -- including "Thriller," "Beat It," "Bad" and "Rock With You" -- why would people gravitate toward "Man in the Mirror"?

It might be a question of completion: It's possible that people downloading Jackson songs already have those major hits and are completing their collections with the most high-profile track they don't own (in this case, it's "Man in the Mirror"). But there might also be a psychological angle to the trend as well.

"It makes sense for a couple of reasons," explained Brian Raftery, author of "Don't Stop Believin': How Karaoke Conquered the World and Changed My Life." Raftery has watched people select Jackson songs in karaoke bars all over the world and thinks that there is a very specific subconscious process happening. " 'Man in the Mirror' is an oversized anthem that makes a vague yet heartfelt pledge for self-improvement. And it's amazingly flexible -- it's a song that could be about racism, war, sexuality or even plain old love. Listeners can project whatever they want onto 'Man in the Mirror,' which I think is a big part of its appeal." Raftery also noted that "Man in the Mirror" happens to be one of the last truly exceptional Jackson singles, and it's also a song that divorces itself from the more problematic parts of Jackson's public image. "You don't feel especially queasy while listening to 'Man in the Mirror.' It's not the best song, but for those looking for some uplift in the days after his death, it's probably the most appropriate."

Maureen Mahon, ethnomusicologist at NYU, has a different theory. "Many of the news outlets seemed to play the song frequently during their extensive coverage of Jackson's sudden passing, reintroducing the public to the song," she said. "I suspect they chose the song because at one level it addresses the question of physical and visual, and it's impossible to talk about Michael Jackson without dealing with the radical, disturbing physical changes he had made to himself over the years."

But there may be deeper subconscious reasons afoot. "People are going to be attracted to this song for different reasons," said Stephen Pennington, professor of pop musicology at the College of William & Mary. "But 'Man in the Mirror' is the song that captures this conundrum about who Michael Jackson was. Because he died gearing up for this comeback concert, it's almost as though we killed him. So we're trying to come to terms with him as a celebrity and also us as fans. He was a huge celebrity, but for a person we know so well, we don't really know anything about him. We're trying to come to terms with that, and 'Man in the Mirror' might be the key -- a song that might give us insight into him as a lonely figure who is always being looked at."

Pennington also suggested that the song acts as a metaphor for Jackson's death. "Michael Jackson was always singing about making the world a better place, but 'Man in the Mirror' is about wanting to be a better person but not knowing how. It's unresolved, much like Jackson's life."

For complete coverage of the life, career and passing of the legendary entertainer, visit "Michael Jackson Remembered."

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