'Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen' Tramples Box Office Competition

Moviegoers also accepted 'Proposal' again, putting romantic comedy at #2.

The Box-Office Top Five

#1 "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" ($112 million)

#2 "The Proposal" ($18.5 million)

#3 "The Hangover" ($17.2 million)

#4 "Up" ($13 million)

#5 "My Sister's Keeper" ($12 million)

[article id="1614673"]"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" exploded at the box office[/article] last week, defying negative reviews, shattering Paramount's expectations and leaving several records smoldering in its robotic wake. Michael Bay's highly anticipated sequel bowed on Wednesday, and with a $60.6 million take in its first day, it broke the Wednesday record previously held by "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" back in 2007.

"Transformers" went on to make another $112 million over the weekend, enjoying a five-day cumulative of $201.2 million, bringing it right behind "The Dark Knight" for the largest five-day gross in movie history. It's a very close call, as "The Dark Knight" stands at $203.8 million, but so far no one is calling for a recount. "Transformers" did steal the IMAX record, however, and is currently the biggest weekend and the largest five-day haul that the specialty screener has ever enjoyed.

For those seeking a quiet alternative to robot carnage, audiences preferred to seek out lighter fare than "My Sister's Keeper." Though the Cameron Diaz tearjerker managed to make the top five, it opened well below expectations with only $12 million.

Instead, moviegoers chose to accept "The Proposal" again. The romantic comedy took a predictable slip to #2, but it did a solid sum of $18.5 million. It has a 10-day total of $69 million, making it a modest summer hit, particularly in comparison to "The Hangover." Warner Bros.' comedy is finally losing some of its buzz, though with a four-week total of $183 million, it's proved to be one heck of a party.

"Up" exceeded "Star Trek" as the biggest movie of the summer, bringing in another $13 million for a cumulative total of $250 million, narrowly beating "Trek" 's $246 million. But the Disney/Pixar heartwarmer won't hold the record long if "Transformers" continues its daily $20 million assault.

Limited releases also managed to hold out against Michael Bay. Stephen Frears' "Cheri" opened in 76 locations to gross $408,000, a respectable $5,364 per engagement. Summit Entertainment's Iraq drama "The Hurt Locker" earned good reviews and $144,000 from its four theaters, while "The Stoning of Soraya M." opened in 27 locations and grossed $117,050. Whether moviegoers preferred thinking fare or popcorn pleasures, the box office had enough for everyone, and with a grand total of $193 million, it's once again clocking 9 percent higher than last year's summer.

Upcoming Releases

Universal offers the true-crime thriller "Public Enemies" with Johnny Depp and Christian Bale, while Fox goes family-friendly with "Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs."

Check out everything we've got on "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" and "My Sister's Keeper."

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