'Star Trek' Takes Off With Box-Office #1

J.J. Abrams' reboot proves to be the biggest 'Trek' movie ever, earning $76.5 million in its first four days.

The Box-Office Top Five

#1 "Star Trek" ($72.5 million)

#2 "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" ($27 million)

#3 "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past" ($10.4 million)

#4 "Obsessed" ($6.6 million)

#5 "17 Again" ($4.4 million)

Audiences happily beamed aboard the USS Enterprise this weekend, as Paramount's [movie id="305755"]"Star Trek"[/movie] took the #1 spot with a stunning debut of $72.5 million. The movie also did an estimated $4 million during Thursday-night preview screenings, bringing its total four-day gross to $76.5 million.

It was also another weekend for breaking records: "Star Trek" had the biggest opening ever for a "Trek" installment, beat "The Dark Knight" record for an IMAX haul (it earned $8 million on the giant screens alone) and is the largest earner yet for the second weekend in May. Paramount and J.J. Abrams are undoubtedly breathing a sigh of relief, as many considered a "reboot" of the beloved sci-fi series a very risky prospect. It was feared that the film would misfire with longtime Trek fans and general audiences, but good buzz and [article id="1610833"]positive reviews[/article] helped the film win over even the most skeptical moviegoers.

With "Star Trek" advertising dominating every format, it was easy to forget "Next Day Air" also opened this week -- its box office proved that audiences did forget, as it opened below expectations at #6 with only $4 million.

Last week's champion, "X-Men Origins: Wolverine," didn't fare so well in its second week. Piracy or poor word of mouth dragged the clawed mutant down 68 percent in gross to bring in only $27 million. Though the box-office total is a tidy $130 million, the dropping attendance is an all-time low for the "X-Men" franchise.

Though "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past" dropped to #3, its drop was less steep than that of "Wolverine," possibly thanks to moviegoing mothers opting for gentler fare on Mother's Day. It brought in $10.4 million, for a total of $30.2 million.

"Monsters vs. Aliens" finally dropped off the top five, after being a fairly steady presence there since March. "Obsessed" held on instead, dropping to #4 with $6.6 million and a total of $56.2 million. "17 Again" has also made a tough show of it, dropping to #5 but managing to bring in another $4.41 million.

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