Jonas Brothers Are No Match For 'Madea' At The Box Office

The pop stars' '3D Concert Experience' couldn't break Tyler Perry's hold on #1.

The Box-Office Top Five

#1 [movie id="388652"]"Tyler Perry's Madea Goes to Jail"[/movie] ($16.5 million)

#2 [movie id="341951"]"Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience"[/movie] ($12.7 million)

#3 [movie id="364450"]"Slumdog Millionaire"[/movie] ($12.2 million)

#4 [movie id="369195"]"Taken"[/movie] ($9.95 million)

#5 [movie id="342857"]"He's Just Not That Into You"[/movie] ($5.88 million)

The box office took a bit of a breather this weekend, and no film managed to crack $20 million or knock down Tyler Perry, not even [article id="1606080"]"Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience."[/article] After a lot of hype and anticipation, the Jonas Brothers' solo debut fell a bit flat, opening at #2 with only $12.7 million. That's a long way from last year's "Hannah Montana/[artist id="2408193"]Miley Cyrus[/artist]: Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour," which had a smash opening of $31.1 million. The [artist id="2088128"]Jonas Brothers[/artist] did manage to have the second-highest debut for a concert movie, however, which means they have one up on U2's 1988 concert movie, "Rattle and Hum."

The #1 spot belonged to "Madea Goes to Jail" once again, as the comedy took in another $16.5 million. While it experienced a 60 percent drop in ticket sales from last weekend, its total gross of $64.8 million in just 10 days is Perry's career best.

"Slumdog Millionaire" enjoyed a Best Picture boost, taking the #3 spot after adding several hundred theaters to its theatrical run this Friday and earning $12.2 million. With the highest weekend gross of a Best Picture winner in 10 years, the movie's total gross is now $115.1 million, which puts it at #2 on the "Movies That Still Were Making Tons of Money After 10 Weeks in Theaters" list. ("Titanic" is still #1.)

In its fifth week of release, "Taken" dropped to #4, bringing in $9.95 million and a total of $107.9 million. After a sharp post-Valentine's Day drop, "He's Just Not That Into You" held on at #5 with $5.88 million for a total of $78.5 million. Despite the drop in their totals, both holdovers still managed to beat out this weekend's critically slammed newcomer, "Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li." The video game adaptation debuted at #8 with a mere $4.7 million.

Two new thrillers also had a quiet and limited debut, with neither managing to crack the top 10. Edward Burns' thriller "Echelon Conspiracy" opened in only 400 locations to gross $554,126, which isn't too surprising, but the fate of Harrison Ford's "Crossing Over" is really rather sad. Former box-office champ Ford's independent turn opened in only nine theaters to a mere $75,600. Compare that to Clint Eastwood's "Gran Torino," which had a limited debut of six theaters and a gross of $271,720, or Mickey Rourke's "The Wrestler," which brought in $202,714 at four locations.

Upcoming Releases

There's only one new movie on the slate for next weekend: [article id="1605378"]"Watchmen."[/article] All other releases have fled, which leaves the weekend wide open for Zack Snyder's highly anticipated comic adaptation.

Check out everything we've got on "Madea Goes to Jail" and

"Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience."

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