'American Idol' First-Round Semifinals, Twitter-Style

Will Anoop Desai, Casey Carlson, other early favorites survive Wednesday's results show?

On Tuesday -- for better or, in some cases, much worse -- [article id="1605267"]"American Idol"[/article] shone the spotlight on the first dozen members of its hallowed top 36. Contenders arose, dreams went down in balls of flames, there were tears and laughter ... you know, just your average Tuesday night.

But who hit it out of the park? Who will be sent packing on Wednesday night's (February 18) results show? It's important to know these things. And since we realize you're busy, we've decided once again to [article id="1604976"]sum up all the "Idol" action, Twitter-style[/article]. It's everything you may have missed, all in 140 characters or less. Feel free to Tweet these with your closest pals, because there's really no better way to sum up the magic of dreams realized -- or crushed -- than in delicious, micro-bloggy bits.

[url id="/photos/american-idol-season-8-the-top-36/1604961/3599022/photo.jhtml"]Ann Marie Boskovich[/url]: Performed bland, breathy version of "Natural Woman." Perfect for Lady Speed Stick spot. Nice knowing you, AMB.

[url id="/photos/american-idol-season-8-the-top-36/1604961/3598985/photo.jhtml"]Anoop Desai[/url]: Bleated through weak-kneed "Angel of Mine." Might still make it through to top 12. Get ready, xenophobic conspiracy nuts.

[url id="/photos/american-idol-season-8-the-top-36/1604961/3599001/photo.jhtml"]Alexis Grace[/url]: Toned down the Hayley Williams, upped the Aretha on "Never Loved a Man." Killed it. Dressed like a cocktail waitress.

[url id="/photos/american-idol-season-8-the-top-36/1604961/3598994/photo.jhtml"]Brent Keith[/url]: Got in touch with his country roots with "Hicktown." Flopped. Resemblance to Spencer Pratt probably will not save him.

[url id="/photos/american-idol-season-8-the-top-36/1604961/3599038/photo.jhtml"]Casey Carlson[/url]: Channeled Sarah Palin with winky, disastrous cover of Police staple. As a singer, she makes a pretty great bikini model.

[url id="/photos/american-idol-season-8-the-top-36/1604961/3599036/photo.jhtml"]Danny Gokey[/url]: Took on Mimi's "Hero," won. Standout male performance of the night, if only because all the rest were so below average.

[url id="/photos/american-idol-season-8-the-top-36/1604961/3599025/photo.jhtml"]Jackie Tohn[/url]: Spastic, unsettling take on Elvis hit. Gratuitous grunting, chicken dancing. Strange Lycra pants. That about sums it up.

[url id="/photos/american-idol-season-8-the-top-36/1604961/3598989/photo.jhtml"]Michael Sarver[/url]: Strutted through Gavin DeGraw hit. Did bizarre shuffle. Strangely, judges seemed to love this. We're ambivalent.

[url id="/photos/american-idol-season-8-the-top-36/1604961/3599040/photo.jhtml"]Ricky Braddy[/url]: Bland, yet strangely likeable. Admirable job on "Song for You." Wore nice dinner jacket. Told story about chicken fingers.

[url id="/photos/american-idol-season-8-the-top-36/1604961/3599045/photo.jhtml"]Stephen Fowler[/url]: Admonished for removing all semblance of funk from MJ's "Rock With You." We didn't totally agree. Still, he's done.

[url id="/photos/american-idol-season-8-the-top-36/1604961/3598993/photo.jhtml"]Stevie Wright[/url]: Yowch. Nose-dived on Taylor Swift tune. Second-worst of the night, next to Casey. We feel bad for her. She seems nice.

[url id="/photos/american-idol-season-8-the-top-36/1604961/3599019/photo.jhtml"]Tatiana del Toro[/url]: Toned down dramatics on Whitney song. Good, tho judges were left confused. Did not combust, which is victory enough.

Get your "Idol" fix on MTV News' [article id="1486475"]"American Idol" page[/article], where you'll find all the latest news, interviews and opinions.

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