RZA Does A Different Kind Of Freestyling In Judd Apatow's 'Funny People'

'Seth Rogen could be an MC,' Wu-Tang mastermind says of his co-star. 'He freestyles his jokes.'

Thank goodness [artist id="1122"]RZA[/artist] spent all those years honing his freestyle talent or, as the [artist id="1025"]Wu-Tang Clan[/artist] would say, sharpening his sword. Obviously it has helped him in music, but to his surprise, he also needed to go off the dome recently during an acting gig.

The rap legend plays [movieperson id="262582"]Seth Rogan's[/movieperson] good friend Chuck in the upcoming Judd Apatow comedy [movie id="383434"]"Funny People."[/movie]

"Those dudes is funny, man. They do go off the script. They're comedians," RZA said about working with Rogen and his go-to director. "While we're doing the film, it's like Seth Rogen could be an MC. He freestyles his jokes."

RZA explained that during some scenes, Rogen would have a different joke for each take.

"He'll change it, then change it, then change it," the Staten Island rap legend said. "He's so witty. Those guys are not accidental talents; they are the truth."

RZA had to be spontaneous at times as well. " 'Cause I'm an MC and artist, I came off a couple of times. They were like, 'You did good.' "

Rogen and Apatow are huge fans of RZA and Wu-Tang. Who could forget ODB's "Shimmy Shimmy Ya" opening "Knocked Up"?

"Seth knew the lyrics to Bobby Digital's 'Holocaust,' " a surprised RZA revealed. "He was like, 'What happened to that kid who said, "Back-smack you so hard all your seeds will be born deformed"?' "

In "Funny People," RZA plays a stress-free underachiever.

"The movie is about comedians," he added. "One comedian, played by [movieperson id="55545"]Adam Sandler[/movieperson], he's on the verge of dying. So he's reflecting back on his life. The other comedian is played by Seth Rogen. While he's trying to make it, he works at the grocery store at the deli counter. While he's working there, he has a friend, played by me, who is satisfied by his job: 'F--- trying to make it rich. I feel satisfied just making my $300 a week.' "

RZA continues to navigate through music and movies. He released the soundtrack Afro Samurai: Resurrection on Tuesday (January 27).

Check out everything we've got on "Funny People."

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