Fall Out Boy Say New Video Is Inspired By 'Roger Rabbit'

'That movie is completely overlooked in history ... it's awesome,' Wentz says of the 1988 movie that inspired their 'America's Suitehearts' clip.

Strange inspiration is nothing new for [artist id="1235716"]Fall Out Boy[/artist]. After all, their video for "I Don't Care" drew equally from the worlds of, uh, [article id="1595194"]communism and professional wrestling[/article].

So when it came time to shoot the clip for "America's Suitehearts," they knew exactly where to look for ideas.

"The video lifts a lot not just from old Fellini but, more specifically, '[Who Framed] Roger Rabbit,' " bassist Pete Wentz explained. "That movie is completely overlooked in history, because it's awesome.

"It's mind-blowing that somehow Disney and Warner Bros. are in there -- and the characters in a world that is not a Disney or Warner world. But beyond that, the plot is great too," he continued. "I think that the idea is that there is this guy who is out to get all the 'toons, but in the end, he is one. [And] that is part of the narrative of 'America's Suitehearts' too. You have to point the finger back at yourself. When you're throwing people in the goo -- you have to realize that you are the person who is scared to get in it."

Totally. And there's plenty of goo in the "Suitehearts" video, swallowing up Paris Hilton look-alikes ... not to mention the band adopting 'toon alter egos (Stump becomes "Dr. Benzedrine," Wentz is "Mr. Sandman"). The whole thing does have a decidedly "Roger Rabbit" quality to it, which means, for once, we absolutely understand what Wentz is talking about. Of course, there's also a darker side to all the animated hijinks.

"We have become a culture that really, really likes to build people up ... and we really do have this standard of morality that's insane, but [at the same time] we want to know what goes on behind closed doors," Wentz said. "We want to shun celebrities and then build them back up. But it's going on in your neighborhood, too. And that's what the song is about. It says that we've created this snowball of culture where we chase Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and their 21,000 kids around the world. But the Jolie-Pitts are smart, because they're building their own army so one day they'll just beat us."

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