'Baby Mama' Hits Box-Office Mother Lode, Locking Up 'Harold & Kumar' In Second Place

Hugh Jackman and Ewan McGregor's 'Deception' debuts at theaters DOA.

The Box-Office Top Five

#1 "Baby Mama" ($18.3 million)

#2 "Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay" ($14.6 million)

#3 "The Forbidden Kingdom" ($11.2 million)

#4 "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" ($11 million)

#5 "Nim's Island" ($4.53 million)

Four years ago Tina Fey gave birth to "Mean Girls," a rare critically acclaimed hit teenage comedy. This weekend, the writer/actress finally delivered her cinematic follow-up, and it's a ... it's a ... hit!

"[article id="1586272"]Baby Mama[/article]" opened at the top spot in the North American box office, taking in an estimated $18.3 million. The comedy, which stars Fey as an infertile businesswoman who recruits a wild surrogate mom (Amy Poehler) to have her baby, marked the first starring movie roles for the "[article id="1586039"]Saturday Night Live" buddies[/article]. The film's success might also signal the end of a longtime "SNL" curse on female stars, following cinematic bombs like "It's Pat" and "Superstar."

The "30 Rock" mastermind was able to smoke "Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay," if only by a small margin. The bad news for the White Castle-loving stoners is that they opened in second place with $14.6 million; the good news is that it's nearly three times what their first movie opened with. The sequel finds the two buds mistaken for terrorists, stuck in George W. Bush's controversial detention camp and eventually meeting the president himself.

Last week's champ, "[article id="1585822"]The Forbidden Kingdom[/article]," continued kicking along at an impressive pace. The first-ever pairing of martial arts icons Jackie Chan and Jet Li brought in $11.2 million, as audiences continued to embrace the duo's epic showdown.

As if being dumped by Sarah Marshall weren't bad enough, Jason Segel's bad luck continues, as his film's second weekend finished a mere $200,000 out of the top three. Those hoping that "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" will hang strong like its predecessors "Superbad" and "Knocked Up" might want to give up the fight, as the positively reviewed comedy is likely to drop from the top five next week.

Also in the top 10, in order, were the Jodie Foster family flick "Nim's Island," geek-despised horror remake "Prom Night," still-strong blackjack drama "21," Al Pacino's suspense flick "88 Minutes" and Seuss classic "Horton Hears a Who!" Arriving dead on arrival at theaters nationwide was the generically titled "Deception," which boasts three major stars (Hugh Jackman, Ewan McGregor and Michelle Williams) and a sexy storyline, but still couldn't get more than $2.2 million worth of butts in seats.

Upcoming Releases

Dig out that bathing suit and mix up some Country Time, because summer officially begins next week — well, at the box office, at least. "[article id="1583534"]Iron Man[/article]," one of the year's most anticipated films, will try to keep Marvel Comics' cinematic hot streak alive with a movie as loud, fast and powerful as its title hero. For the ladies, Patrick Dempsey counterprograms the box office with "Made of Honor," which means we can all finally stop seeing those posters that seem like they've been everywhere for two years. In limited release, writer/director David Mamet will try to muscle in on the success of "The Forbidden Kingdom" with "Redbelt," an unorthodox martial-arts movie from the master of modern dialogue.

Check out everything we've got on "Baby Mama," "Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay" and "The Forbidden Kingdom."

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