'Horton' Hears #1 For Week Two, While Tyler Perry Continues His Hot Streak

In fourth place, Owen Wilson's 'Drillbit Taylor' suffers from lack of buzz and critical love.

The Top Five

#1 "Horton Hears a Who!" ($25.1 million)

#2 "Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns" ($20 million)

#3 "Shutter" ($10.7 million)

#4 "Drillbit Taylor" ($10.2 million)

#5 "10,000 B.C." ($8.7 million)

With apologies to Dr. Seuss: On Easter weekend 2008/ No time to dally, no time to wait/ It's happened again, try not to be wary/ There's another Seuss blockbuster, thanks to comic Jim Carrey.

With $25.1 million at the box office, "Horton Hears a Who!" rode good vibes and positive reviews for its second #1 finish in two weeks, bringing its overall total to a very elephantine $86 million. Falling just 44 percent from its opening weekend, the animated movie about a tiny society scored the fourth-best Easter weekend ever, behind only "The Matrix," "Panic Room" and "Scary Movie 4." Sure, a person's a person no matter how small, but "Horton" is a jumbo-size hit. And the best part? I hear he works for peanuts. (Rim shot!)

In second place, "Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns" scored $20 million, proving once again that one of Hollywood's most powerful brands doesn't even live in Hollywood. Perry's urban dramedy continued his hot streak dating back to 2005's "Diary of a Mad Black Woman" and was the fifth-best Easter weekend ever (and the fourth-best Easter opening). Where does Perry go next? How about boldly going where no man has gone before? He'll play a small role in the upcoming "Star Trek" remake.

In third place, Joshua Jackson scared up $10.7 million with his remake of the Thai horror flick "Shutter."

Speaking of brands, though, one of comedy's greatest took a minor hit this weekend as the Judd Apatow-produced, Seth Rogen-scripted, Leslie Mann-co-starring "Drillbit Taylor" was good for only $10.2 million and a fourth-place finish. The comedy, which was originally conceived by '80s legend John Hughes, fared dismally with critics. And with star Owen Wilson unwilling to do press, it didn't seep into the public consciousness the way some of Apatow's earlier films did long before they opened. Expect Apatow and company to rebound strongly with "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" and the eagerly awaited "Pineapple Express."

"10,000 B.C." came in fifth place with $8.6 million. Its total now stands at $76.1 million.

Among films in limited release, "Under the Same Moon" scored big with $2.6 million from just 266 locations.

Upcoming Releases

Double down with Kevin Spacey and Kate Bosworth in the card-counting drama "21"; visit with the spoof boys as they take on "Spider-Man," "Batman" and others in "Superhero Movie"; run to "Run, Fat Boy, Run" with Simon Pegg; or, you know, see "Stop-Loss" and learn something. Whatever.

Check out everything we've got on "Horton Hears a Who!," "Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns" and "Drillbit Taylor."

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