Shudder To Think Know The (Film) Score

May 5 [14:00 EST] -- Now that vocalist Craig Wedren is emerging from his battle with Hodgkins disease, Shudder To Think has taken on an ambitious workload.

Guitarist Nathan Larson has scored a portion of the upcoming MTV special "Abducted," which takes a look at extraterrestrial contact. Larson composed the music that will turn up in commercials for the special, as well as the second segment of the half-hour show.

Meanwhile, the "L.A. Times" reports that the band is also busy scoring "Safe" director Todd Haynes' next outing, "First Love, Last Rights." The project will reportedly bring STT together with a number of different vocalists, including Billy Corgan, Liz Phair, and X-frontman John Doe.

Of course, the band does more than just score films: Shudder To Think's latest album, "50,000 B.C." is in stores now.

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