Days of the New Continue to Confuse

Travis Meeks is giving his handlers--and his Days of the New bandmates--grey hair.

According to a note on their official website posted late last month, Days of the New were going to be making an announcement last week concerning their future. That announcement never materialized. What appeared on the page instead was the note: "Hey everybody... We're one big #!@$%# happy family!!!

The line or two that followed indicated that it was business as usual for the band, and that Days of the New were working on a new album with producer Scott Litt while on a break from touring with Metallica.

Calls to the band's label, Outpost, just prior to the posting had revealed that both the label and the band's management had been unaware of the never-made -but-promised announcement. Meeks has long been telling fans (much to the chagrin of his handlers and the rest of the group) that he plans on continuing on without the services of the other players. The label

has long denied the reports, saying that, "Travis just talks.

Well, Travis is still talking. In the latest chapter, Meeks has posted a rambling message on a fan board where he apologized for "giving people the impression that Days of the New was a band " and "promoting it as a band format.

It wasn't truly a band format," types Meeks. "É it is my fault for leading you on and setting you up to get attached to the prior members.

As far as the next album goes, he tells his followers he's been playing all the instruments himself and that only one other bandmember appears sparingly on the record, which also features an unnamed female vocalist. The CD is due out early next year.

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