Beatnuts Show Off Their Latin Roots, Team With Method Man

Returning to record stores this week are the Beatnuts, with "A Musical Massacre," their first album since 1997's "Stone Crazy.

The duo of Ju Ju and Psycho Les, who debuted in 1993 with "Intoxicated Demons," descend from Dominican and Colombian backgrounds, respectively, and this time around they decided to give a nod to their Latino roots with the song "Se Acabo." [RealAudio] As Psycho Les explained to the MTV Radio Network, the idea to record the track came from parental prodding.

"From doing records all these years," Psycho Les told the MTV Radio Network, "our parents be just bothering us every day like, 'When are you going to make a song for us, the Spanish people, the Latinos?' So we

was like, 'Boom, let's do it.'

And people that don't even know Spanish love it, so it was like... it's hot." [RealAudio}

Unfortunately, the lyrics to "Se Acabo," which also features rapper Magic Juan of Proyecto Uno, were a little too explicit for Les and Ju's parents' tastes. However, they have just recorded a cleaned-up, English-language version of the track, featuring Method Man, which may wind up as their next single.

A Musical Massacre" is in stores now.

-- John Gill

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