Alec Baldwin Texting His Daughter Is Every Dad Texting His Daughter

OMG Daaaaaaaaaad!

If you think just because Alec Baldwin is a massive star, he doesn't take the time to mess with his daughter Ireland via text: think again. The budding model recently shared a phone conversation with her famous dad after he caught wind that she'd been on a date. We get that she finds the whole thing totally embarrassing (seriously, can you imagine having your dates swarmed by the paparazzi?), but we honestly can't stop laughing at the expert dad-trolling – especially when we read the exchange in Jack Donaghy speak.

It all started when Ireland was photographed having coffee with Tao Ruspoli, the Italian prince, filmmaker, and ex of Olivia Wilde. The gossip sites swooped in, and – shortly thereafter – so did dear old dad.

Ireland, we salute you for having enough of a sense of humor to share the resulting conversation on your Instagram account.

"This is what happens when you get coffee with friends. You get coffee and then you get pregnant and then it spirals out of control from there... #morningtextswithdad #whotakesphotosofpeopleat7am #ihateeveryone," Ireland captioned the screenshot.

Father of the year, hands down.

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