Daniel Radcliffe Poisoned Himself With Antifreeze On The 'Horns' Set

Daniel Radcliffe: Drank antifreeze so you don't have to.

Can you imagine the horror of a world without Daniel Radcliffe? It is a vision so grim, so ghastly, that it is practically more than the human mind can contemplate. And worst of all, it almost became a reality during the making of his last movie.

Apparently, at some point during the filming of "Horns," Daniel unwittingly managed to ingest a cup of water from the tap in his trailer -- water which, due to the sub-zero climate of their Canadian filming location, was liberally laced with antifreeze. The actor related the story of brush with the highly poisonous substance (which gave him a "drippy tummy" for three feverish days) in this interview with Conan O'Brien, along with a useful PSA: Don't drink antifreeze.

Which is, in all seriousness, good advice. Honestly, considering how toxic antifreeze is and how not-large Daniel Radcliffe is, it's really kind of amazing that he's still alive.

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