Reese Witherspoon Saves The Day In New 'The Good Lie' Trailer

Witherspoon wields a bat and boasts a bovine nickname in this new peek at her next film.

Wrenching human drama is next on the menu for Reese Witherspoon, with a new trailer for her film "The Good Lie" now online.

The movie tells the story of three of Sudan's "Lost Boys" - children left homeless after a civil war ravaged their country - who found refuge as adults in the United States, in the care of unprepared but well-intentioned Americans like Witherspoon's character Carrie Davis.

Boasting the same producer as "The Blind Side," it's not surprising that this movie seems to tread its familiar feel-good territory: playing the guys' early fish-out-of-water moments for laughs, and with Witherspoon embodying the archetype of the plucky white lady savior. Still, it looks like it'll be worth watching if only to see Corey Stoll in the role of a sympathetic dairy farmer.

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