Which Of The 'Teen Mom 3' Girls Changed The Most?


Despite a constant revolving door of drama over the course of "Teen Mom 3" (violent baby-daddy outbursts, broken engagements, a drug name it), Mackenzie, Alex, Briana and Katie still managed to give their children the best possible care and learned a lot about themselves in the process. All four of the girls changed a lot since giving birth, but which of them made the biggest transformation? Check out a brief recap of each of their trajectories and take our poll!


The young dancer did everything in her power to parent Arabella without help from her addict ex, Matt, including working three jobs while trying to finish high school. Her temper got the better of her early on, and she often took her anger out on the loved ones around her; however, once she let Matt go for good, Alex's mood changed, and by the end of the season she seemed to have turned over a new leaf. She even took setbacks, like having to repeat her senior year, in stride, finishing off the season with her sights firmly set on the future.


With an incredible family support system in place, Briana's had lots of help with her daughter, Nova. One person who was almost always MIA, however, was Nova's dad, Devoin. The two had a contentious relationship, not to mention the fact that her mom and sister weren't exactly his biggest fans, but after letting the past go toward the end of the season, Briana seemed ready to allow Devoin back into Nova's life -- if he really wanted it.


After getting engaged to Joey, Katie thought her life was going to be picture perfect, and even had dreams of finally attending a four-year university. However, she and Joey couldn't get their fighting under control, and when the two finally split up, he immediately started seeing another girl. Though devastated at first, Katie ultimately realized that it's okay to be alone, and she and Joey came to a peaceful co-parenting resolution for Molli's sake.


The high school cheerleader thought she and her fiancé, Josh, would be together forever. But after months of Josh pulling away both emotionally and physically, Mackenzie was at her wits' end. She tried so hard to salvage their relationship by being supportive of Josh and his rodeo dreams, and when her efforts fell flat, she went to counseling to draw strength from within herself. Eventually Mackenzie worked up the courage to confront Josh and ask for what she needed, and though the relationship temporarily improved, their continued communication issues led to a dramatic breakup on the season finale.

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Photo: Colin Gray

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