How To Stay Sane While Dating A Total Sports Fanatic

You can't beat 'em, so join them. Sometimes.

In the last few months, you’ve both attended a BBQ in a parking lot and watched an otherwise logical person convince themselves that they ruined a game 3,000 miles away because they accidentally washed a jersey. Congratulations! You’re dating a sports fanatic.

For normal civilians, becoming romantically involved with a hardcore sports fan can mean entering a world of confusion, frustration and endless broadcasts of SportsCenter. As someone who has been dating an elite-level fan for a few years now, I am more than familiar with this phenomenon.

The good news is, there are ways to adjust to your partner’s obsession that can actually help you enjoy sports. (Unlike your significant other, who is likely spending large amounts of their time angrily checking scores on their phone.)

Wear the "lucky" gear.

Tess Barker


You know it’s a crappy plush hat that makes you look like some demented Disney character, but unfortunately, you wore it that one time their team made that amazing comeback, and now they are convinced that the thing has magical powers. Before you attempt to explain to them that luck isn’t real, remember that you are dealing with someone who thinks they are a member of a team that doesn’t even know they exist. Just wear the stupid hat. If they lose, you won’t get blamed, and if they win, you’ll be hailed as a hero.

Show up to games thirsty and hungry.

Regardless of what team you’re for or how much you care about sports, I think we can all agree that we're team nachos all the way. Whether you’re watching from home, at a sports bar, or seeing a game live, you always win when you’re shoving all of the cheese in your face hole. Feeding your passion for junk food and fun drinks will help you associate watching games with good times and give you something to look forward to other than watching your loved one have an actual meltdown over a bad call.

Learn to laugh at sports radio and TV.

…Because otherwise, you’ll be crying tears of boredom. Use the fact that you’re an outsider to observe the hilarious scenario that is a bunch of grown-ass adults being legitimately angry that a bunch of other grown-ass adults didn’t throw the ball the way they wanted them to. You will hear claims that a coach is “ruining the city.” You will laugh all the way up until it’s your turn to pick what’s on the radio.

Find a team or a couple of players who are interesting to you.

Tess Barker


If you’re not familiar with the sport you’re watching, it can be tricky to get a hold of who’s who or to care about what's going on. Ask your significant other to give you some key points about what's been going on with your hometown team or to tell you a little bit about the players on the team they like. One of the players is bound to have a story that makes you root for them, whether they’re recovering from an injury or running some amazing charity on the side. (There’s also always the option of just checking out the players' butts.)

Occasionally bet a small amount of money on the game.

Like any vice, gambling should be done in moderation, and it’s never a good idea to bet more than you are OK with losing. If you find yourself watching a game or match that you're particularly bored with -- and you're of age to bet -- throw ten bucks on it. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you can start to care about whether that was, in fact, off sides.

Embrace the fact that you have plenty of “you” time.

It’s actually great news that you’re dating someone who thinks spending eight hours on the couch is a productive Sunday. In the time they spend watching games, you’ll be able to go hiking, run errands, get scuba-certified and still be back in time to watch the end of the last quarter. Allow yourself to cultivate your interests and take care of business while they report for duty at their unofficial, unpaid job of “fan,” and you’ll find yourself just as excited for game day as they are.

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