Does One Direction's Tour Rider Prove Larry Is Real?

Or did we just find out that Zayn had been meaning to leave all along?

A One Direction tour rider is fueling the fire for fans who dream of Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles together. Since only four dressing rooms are listed on 1D's venue request, Larry Shippers have assumed that Louis and Harry are sharing. The scandal!

The rider reveals many things about 1D's wants and needs while on tour -- including their request for *comfy* TP and *soft soft* draped walls for a "pleasant ambience." (I'm guessing that's for Harry, but who knows?) And don't forget that "ALL CATERING MUST BE ON CHINA." Can I stress that enough?


Only four rooms are requested on the rider, which is sent to stadiums and arenas around the world before One Direction arrives. So -- friendly reminder that there are five dudes in the group -- does this mean that two of them are sharing? Specifically, rumored couple Larry Stylinson?

A logical answer would point to Zayn Malik's recent departure from the tour -- hence, he wouldn't need a room. Zayn left on March 19, though, and this rider is watermarked March 9.

There is the possibility, of course, that it's all a hoax. I mean, people REALLY want Larry to happen.

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