What 'Fury' Can Tell Us About 'Suicide Squad'

Here's what tanks can tell us about supervillains.

"Fury" - the new World War II set movie starring Brad Pitt driving around in a tank with his best buddies - is a huge success, nabbing the number one spot at the box office this past weekend. And luckily, writer/director David Ayer already has his next big gig lined up: helming DC Comics & Warner Bros. follow-up to "Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice," an adaptation of the long-running comic "Suicide Squad."

So what can we learn about the 2016 debuting "Suicide Squad," based on "Fury?" A lot, actually:

There Will be Blood

DC Comics


The concept of "Suicide Squad" is pretty simple: a bunch of supervillains are forced to work for the government, going on insanely dangerous missions to help shave time off their sentence. And if they go off the reservation? A bomb implanted in their heads explodes.

"Fury" does not shy away from violence, and despite its comic book trappings you can't do "Suicide Squad" justice with a PG rating. Heck, with the word "suicide" in the title you'd expect it could maybe even push for an R, but that won't happen with a mainstream superhero movie in our lifetimes. Still, with critics calling out the "buckets of blood" Ayer uses in "Fury," we expect to see a few heads asplode before the running time of "Suicide Squad" is done.

Go Team

DC Comics


The Suicide Squad is pretty much a non-team, at least at first, with a bunch of villains forced to work together under threat of violence. But presumably by the end of the movie, they'll have been forced to bond through shared missions and a similar love of anarchy and death.

In "Fury," the group of tank-fighters may start out heroic and end up pretty heroic - that's what happens when you fight Nazis, you guys - but Ayer has shown he's down with a bit of the old group bonding. He's got those scenes covered.

Badder Guys

DC Comics


Speaking of Nazis, as one does, if you have a team of supervillains as your good guys, who are the bad guys? Ayer took an insanely violent group of soldiers in "Fury" and gave them pretty much the worst villains you can get. So we have absolute faith that he can take comic book assassin Deadshot and give him someone worse to fight.

No Fault In The Stars



"Suicide Squad" isn't aiming low with its lineup. Ryan Gosling has been rumored for a role, as well as Will Smith, Tom Hardy and Margot Robbie. Luckily, Ayer has experience working with Brad Pitt, Shia Labeouf, and newer stars like Jon Bernthal (late of "The Walking Dead") and Logan Lerman.

Though we don't know definitively what the villain lineup will be for "Suicide Squad," getting a similar mix of big stars and rising ones would definitely make a DC movie not quite at the level of Batman fighting Superman a must-see flick.

Suicide Squad 2: The Haunted Tank?

DC Comics


There's another long-running DC Comic called "The Haunted Tank" about a tank that's haunted by a ghost (but you probably figured that out). Could the crew from "Fury" maybe show up for a late-in-the-game cameo in "Suicide Squad?" Sure, why not.

What do you think? Are you looking forward to Ayer's take on "Suicide Squad?" Let us know in the comments below.

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